- Title
We are promoting environmental principles through Romanian ODA projects and programmes in beneficiary countries.
- Summary
This article examines the critical role that Romania's ODA projects and programmes play in promoting environmental principles in recipient countries. A sustainable approach to development becomes imperative in the current context of increasing global concerns about climate change and environmental degradation. This study examines the strategies adopted by Romania in its ODA projects and their impact on promoting environmental principles in partner countries. The article highlights how Romania's ODA projects integrate environmental aspects such as natural resource management and marine geology. It will also consider the importance of local communities' awareness and involvement in conserving natural resources and marine ecosystems. This approach will highlight a perspective on sustainable development, integrating both ecological and social aspects.
Through case studies, it analyses the results of projects carried out by Romania in various beneficiary countries. The article also explores the challenges encountered in implementing these projects and offers suggestions for optimizing future strategies. The importance of international collaboration and sustainable partnerships in addressing global environmental issues is highlighted. This analysis of the variable related to natural resource management and marine geology brings into question the significant contributions of Romania's ODA projects in building a sustainable and resilient future for recipient states, which are achievable in the context of preserving natural resources, conserving marine habitats, protecting vulnerable species and promoting sustainable development. This study aims to contribute to understanding how ODA donors such as Romania can positively influence environmental policies and practices in partner countries, thereby strengthening the shared commitment to a more sustainable and equitable future.
Official development assistance; promoting environmental principles through official development assistance; ecology; international development cooperation; natural resource management;