Rethinking the Connections Between Gramsci and Foucault – Towards a New Approach in the Analysis of Power Relations

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National School of Political Science and Public Administration (SNSPA)
Conference Panels
Paper/Abstract submission

This paper seeks to discuss a new approach in the analysis of power relations by identifying points of connection between Gramsci and Foucault and developing on these points a new method of analyzing power relations. This is not the first attempt to identify points of connection between the two authors, nor is it the first attempt to use these points of connection in an empirical analysis. The attempts so far have been either purely theoretical, such as those in David Kreps's volume, either did not focus enough on the development of a method by which Gramsci and Foucault can be used together in an analysis of power relations. The aim of this paper is to rethink the points of connection between Gramsci and Foucault and to propose a way in which the two authors can be used together in an analysis of the power relations between different social groups. Such an approach involves making a continuous movement between the concrete and the abstract can on the one hand, revive the theoretical debate around this subject, but, perhaps more importantly, it may provide a method of analyzing practice. Remaining aware of the potential tensions and similarities between Gramsci and Foucault I focus on finding a method by which to better understand the connection between the micropolitics of power and the politico-economic structures and the way those are shaping the power relations.


Keywords: power relations, Gramsci, Foucault, hegemony, governmentality