The Nationalist Type of Discourse and the Political Symbolism of the Crisis: A Comparative Study between the Interwar and the Nowadays Media Discourse

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Bucharest, Romania
The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA)
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The Nationalist Type of Discourse and the Political Symbolism of the Crisis: A Comparative Study between the Interwar and the Nowadays Media Discourse


Dana-Maria Pițigoi


This paper focuses on the socio-political public discourse in Romania, from the perspective of the portrayal in the Romanian media of the perceptions regarding the manner wherein Romanian politicians tackle the crisis situations. The preferred approach reflects a comparative perspective, also bearing the concept of crisis at its core, the concerned lens whereby the analysis is designed assuming a comparison between the media of the interwar period in Romania on one hand and the media of the nowadays Romania on the other hand.

It thus implies the endeavour to draw the connections between the symbolism of The Crisis as it is seen from the standpoint of political myths such as the fundamental political myth of the Conspiracy and that of the Golden Age, especially when it comes to the topic of the economic and social reconstruction of the countries affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, by the war in Ukraine, and by the subsequent crises that emerged as an aftermath thereof, such as the one related to inflation, the emergence of a higher perception of relative poverty amidst the people, and also to a certain wave of changes in terms of items pertaining to the wider sphere of political ideology.

What may hence be worthwhile to examine from this perspective would be the public discourse in Romania amidst these overlapping crises, with the goal of contributing to the nowadays understanding of the situation wherewith governments and the population are faced.


Keywords: political symbolism, nationalist discourse, discourse analysis, interwar media