The role of the Government as authority of control in the public administration system

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6 Povernei Street, 1st District
National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Faculty of Public Administration - Bucharest
Paper/Abstract submission

Control is a term that suggests an important dimension in the complex activity of achieving the prerogatives of the component structures of the public administration system.

The aim of this paper is to highlight some aspects related to the powers of theĀ  Government, as a form of control over the administrative system, based on the fundamental values that must be found at the organizational level of public administration, values reflected in the principles of: legality, impartiality, ethics and transparency, efficiency and effectiveness, public interest, responsibility, in accordance with legal provisions.

The control is a guarantee of the preservation of the principle of legality in all the manifestations of the public administration. Through the actions of control could be able to discover the possible deviations from the legal norms and to establish concrete measures to correct the law enforcement action.

Key words: administrative control, external control, legality, administrative disputes.