Migration between Latin America and the United States of America in 2015-2018

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Bulevardul Ion Mihalache 93-105, bl. 14, sc. B, et. 1, ap. 53
Paper/Abstract submission

Migration between Latin America and the United States of America in 2015-2018

Differences of immigration policies between the Obama and Trump administrations

Stefanita Puiu


            The discussion about immigration towards the United States of America has a vast and complex topic which has been extended for the past 200 years. The view over this concept has been changed and updated through the pass of time until it has reached two very different ideals which have been expressed between 2015 and 2018.

This subject is extremely relevant because it comprises millions of lives that could had suffered a significant change due to the constantly shifting policies. Until the end of the Obama administration the world has observed a slight decrease in the severity of the bills regarding immigration.

Throughout this article I have analysed the socio-political changes that have been generated by the creation or modification of the immigration and immigration – related bills in the short, yet significant period of time. The comparison that resulted was based on the legislative input, as well as the social lessons that have been learned about the catastrophe generated by the radical change of the migration policies.

            This article shows that the changes brought to the immigration policies have had a negative impact upon the development of the society, as they have divided it. At the same time, the possibility of migration towards the United States of America in a legal manner has become even more difficult, almost obliging people to follow the illegal path due to the harsh conditions that they have in their own countries and the strong desire to achieve the “American Dream”.


Keywords: migration, society, policy-making, illegal migration